Ozeki Kisenosato won the Championship in the grand sumo tonment for the 1st time. We heve been waiting for his Championship for a long time. He is the first time Japanese Yokozuna in 19 years since Wakanohana had been Yokozuna last time. He has missed the opportunities many times to become a Yokozuna. We have expected but disappointed so far. We will cheer him.


The President
Dinuld Trump was in the 45th President of United states of America. HIs support rate is around 40% at the morment. There are young suppertes. He is not a politician but a businessmanan. I'm afried of relationship America and Japan. He definitely took advatage of modern media internet news social media. He did good for whisper campongs.


I went to Kawajima taking a photo of swans last week with photo's friends. I had wanted to take a photo of swan taking off and landing at the in front of sunrise. But I hadn't taken good photo of swans last time. So I tried again takeing a photo of swans last week. I got up at 4:00 in the moring and I went to Kawajima. I was waiting about one hour at the place. Finally that time had come. Many swans made in formation and taking off regularly. It's a sight to see that swans taking off to the sky from surface of water. I took many photos of flying swans panning shot. I succeed only two photos. It's difficut but I had a good time.


Photo session
I went to Gunma prefecture to take of photo of stars with photo's friends last week. Weather forecast said, That day would be fine day. I expected that I could see beautiful sky. I left my home around 1 p.m and got there 3.p.m. I prepared my camera standing by untill night. But when it became night turned to be cloud. That's why I couldn't see beatiful sky. I took photos of satrs in a small space of between the clouds. I was disappointed, If there was no cloud I could have taken beatuful photos. On my way home, We stoped by friend's relative's house. She sarved Kentinjiru and we got worm. I had a good photo session althougth I was not satisfied with the photos.


To stady English
When our same generation's people get together, We talk about Brain Gym. Everyone has own training way. It's intersting, Each one's Individuality comes out. One person does kanji and arithmetic practices work books evry day. Some people exercise musle training. So they feel good after that. These are the best ways for brain training for them. I think, stadying foreign language is good for brain training for me. I hard that bilingual person's hippocampus developed well. And bilingual person wouldn't dementia easily. It's the same as cooking. Cooking has many proceses, Thinking menu, Go shopping to buy some ingredients, Cutting, Washing, Cooking, Arrangement. Cooking uses the brains. And it makes brain more active. It works prevent of ageing. I'll keep to stady English and do cooking continuously. My concusion is to do what like for prevent dementia.


The end of the year
Time passes quickly. Today is already November. Today is already on Novenber 9th. Only two months left for this year. Japan's seasonal that tradition new years post cards started to be selling. I'm lazey to think prepareing extra works for new year's day. For example, cleaning house and cooking for new year's special cuisines. That's why I don't like this season.


My granddaughter became 3 years old. We celebrated 7,5,3 for children. She worn kimono for 7,5,3. Our family took her a shrine and we prayed for her happiness.


One of my hobbies
One of my hobbies is gardening, Now I'm growing summer vegetables. For example, Eggplant, Tomato, cucamber, okura and green beans. This is the first challenge for the this year. The initial cast of the home garden is high. organic fertilizer, soil improvers, and struts.etc. I cultivated the soil adding organic fertilizer from marh. Planting and seeding from April. It grew vegetables day by day from may. From around June I could harvest little by littile. July was the golden month of the harvest. It is a few harvest than I thought. I perfer organic vegetables. It is grown by as organic. I don't use an agricultural chemical. That's why I try to prevent danege from bugs and leaf and flower sick. Next year I want to stady from this year's experiences. I hope that I can big havest ones next year.



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